Office Notes . . . as it finally dawns on us why the printer/copy/fax machines come so cheap . . . because they sell you ink refills with about as much ink as a ballpoint pen in them for $20-$30 . . . what's up with that!! (very nice of them to recycle your ink refill container and put 2 grams of ink back in it and you buy it again for $$$$$$ . . . sheesh
Home notes . . . my latest home improvement effort has yielded immediate results, i think i should be one of those curb appeal consultants for home sellers . . . i have watched this old bird house just outside my "home in a barn" window and wondered why no one had moved in! well, there was no little roosting stick under the doorway so drilled a hole and placed a small stick of eucalyptus and within 24 hours the joint was sold!
Road Notes . . . why are biofuels going up faster than fossil fuels? i guess i better filter my stash of used veggie oil as it's value keeps increasing
Food notes . . . so glad that farmers markets have all started up again . . . such a pleasure to give the money to the farmer, not to mention buying organic food that doesn't have inorganic stickers on it to tell you that it's organic . . . shouldn't it be the other way around? let's see . . . genetically engineered food gets two impossible to remove stickers, standard fare one sticker and organic food should get to speak for itself!!
We could really make Memorial Day memorable if we honored those who died in the service of their country by devising some method of deciding our differences without killing anyone!