Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Birds and the Bees

here be the Trailer Trash Quintet!
a persistent Mother Wren came back to build her nest a second time in the screen front window of my trailer and here be the five!

My new colonie of honeybees at home is thriving, the girls are supremely busy (as bees)

a flock of 40 or more cedar waxwings ride the wind in the Locust tree in front of my deck

finches ride the thistles!
this is no doubt the best birding deck i have ever lived on!
Hawks, woodpeckers, harriers, quail, swallows, wrens, on and on

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

on Tuesday, May 25th, Lynn and
i were invited to have Lunch at
Lagunitas Brewing Company courtesy
of the KRSH 95.9 Radio Station. we
joined a small group to enjoy great
food, fabulous beer and a noon concert by Bare Naked Ladies with
Serena Ryder . . . what a treat, and they all played with such enthusiasm!
Lucky We!

thank you to all the aforementioned!