Well, here is my theory of what we should do . . . chances are, that it is an amalgamation of many theories, melting into one pot and trying to cook up something good with leftovers . . . and first of all, i think we are going backward by trying to fix what is broken the same way it got broke . . . and broke may be a key word here . . . . welcome to the United Mistakes in America!!!!!!
now i think we should fix it all from the bottom up . . . all these high falutin numbers that we can barely wrap a computer around, never mind our noggins, are only going to print more money of less value and leave us in the same hole . . . now these politicians and businessmen that cannot run their own businesses toss out a billion like it's some cool piece of change that we all get . . . a perspective!
1) a billion seconds ago it was 1959!
so as the gang all wings around billions to fix something that doesn't work, why don't we put all the money into what will work . . . alternative sustainable energy sources . . . wean ourselves from what has already become peak oil . . . build jobs, retool factories, detroit windmill and solar . . . and if we're bailing them out and it works then we own a big piece of the pie right!
2) a billion minutes ago Jesus was walking the planet
so another novel concept would be to rebuild the country the way it got built in the first place . . . hard work, local contact, support your local business and bite the bullet that it's going to cost more (we already have haven't we?) if we need to take back the country then we can do it one person at a time . . . same way it got started
3) a billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the stone age!
if we started making more of everything here, it would rebuild the balance of trade, after all, we are the worlds largest debtor nation, although we would have to wean ourselves from wanting new made in china cheap everything and start making things last and it would probably be the demise of Walmart . . . it would be a long and painful process but right now, it is fast and painful!
4) a billion days ago there were no beings on the planet walking on two feet
and we could be headed back in that direction faster than we think . . . although we can forestall the inevitable by building sustainably . . . and i think some of our best ideas locally are contained in the Scoping Plan for California's Global Warming Solutions Act! this thing is filled with a bunch of great ideas, a bunch of people that understand you need to tweak them as you go . . . they'll keep getting better . . . check it out at http://www.coolplan.org
5) a billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it!!
now i am going to do some more studying, and see if i can figure out what myself and my little band of salvagers can do to help fix this wagon!
my best to all of you