Monday, July 5, 2010

The Flowers and the Bees

we are so happy that our cactus that we have been nursing along by the walkway gave us a 48 hour show . . . 3 beautiful blossoms, enough to take your breath away . . . and we have one very healthy colony of bees in our new top bar Yossi Hives!

the family of Salvagers are all enjoying the summer, Athena will turn 1 this month, our gardens had a slow start this year from oodles of puddles and rain type things but Heatjer has us eating our greens and being vigilant in our garden foraging.

we are now into our new Pyramid Sales push . . . no, it is not a Ponzi Scheme, we are having a big sale so we can make room for our Pyramid, "Dachee" has left burning man and is at Heritage Salvage waiting to be unfurled.
More on Pyramids and what we dids later!
Happy Interdependence Day, we all need each other!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Birds and the Bees

here be the Trailer Trash Quintet!
a persistent Mother Wren came back to build her nest a second time in the screen front window of my trailer and here be the five!

My new colonie of honeybees at home is thriving, the girls are supremely busy (as bees)

a flock of 40 or more cedar waxwings ride the wind in the Locust tree in front of my deck

finches ride the thistles!
this is no doubt the best birding deck i have ever lived on!
Hawks, woodpeckers, harriers, quail, swallows, wrens, on and on

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

on Tuesday, May 25th, Lynn and
i were invited to have Lunch at
Lagunitas Brewing Company courtesy
of the KRSH 95.9 Radio Station. we
joined a small group to enjoy great
food, fabulous beer and a noon concert by Bare Naked Ladies with
Serena Ryder . . . what a treat, and they all played with such enthusiasm!
Lucky We!

thank you to all the aforementioned!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sustainable Farming with Tara Firma Farms

Green Scene Radio Show guest Tara Smith, Founder of family owned farm, Tara Firma Farms in Petaluma, inspires us with her story. She and her husband took their concern about quality food and turned it into a thriving community farm serving Marin and Sonoma County with REAL organic food.

After her son brought home a Michael Pollan book, Tara and her husband became consumed with the topic of where our food comes from and how is it grown and raised. After incessant conversation, their nine year old challenged them to do something about it or stop talking about it. Ahhh, the wisdom of our children!

We thank him for that, as Tara Firma Farms now thrives! Serving Santa Rosa, Petaluma, San Rafael, San Anselmo, Mill Valley, and San Francisco the farm provides a variety of meats and produce organically hand-grown, selected and delivered weekly to multiple drop-off spots.

Open to the public, Tara offers free Sunday tours 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Visit and experience the joy of care-full community farming!

Tara’s big news – they are looking for young people in 30s with passion and love for farming interested in getting started with a farm. Tara Firma will help show the way and invest to make it financially possible. Interested? Contact Tara!

Listen to interview:

Monday, March 15, 2010

GoLocal, Shop Local, Embrace Local

I talked story with Kelley Rajala,Executive Director of GoLocal Sonoma, and the subject dear to the message was "do we understand that in the long run, expending the extra effort to shop local will benefit the whole community and enrich all perticipants. The construction of the foundation may be labor intensive, but the potential of the gains is a strong economic community . . .

Why Go Local? What really happens when we choose local?

. . . Six Reasons to Go Local, From Sonoma County Go Local Cooperative:
1. Buying from locally owned businesses rather than chain stores keeps your
money circulating 3 times longer in the local economy.
2. With that money, local businesses create the majority of new jobs.
3. Local businesses are, by far, the best supporters of community projects
and non-profits.
4. Because they live here, local businesses provide the best customer
service and support.
5. Buying locally helps protect the planet because fewer products are
shipped from far away places.
6. Most of all, supporting local business and products preserves OUR unique
place, not just cookie-cutter Anyplace, USA.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Natural Deakinstruction!

and in the beginning, we took photos of this Lichen encrusted Gem of a chicken barn and used the photo for the header on the new website, then i fixed up another shed on the property i rent from some wacky Irish guys, so they said i could have this one!

. . . and then it rained! and rained, and i was out on my back deck standing in the pouring rain about midnight thirty, i do wacky things like that!
and i heard a creak and groan.

and oh what a sight she was, probably me too, running across the field buck naked to witness the fall, unfortunately, i did not have my camera with!

but here i am Barn Surfing on Super Bowl Sunday!


Monday, February 1, 2010


You'll be in good hands if you stay LOCAL!

There is a great website called Move Your Money about taking your money out of the hands of the wall streeters and putting it back in your community! you can go there by visiting

. . . . . and watch the great little video with references to our Hero, Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey against Big Box Bank Mr Potter!, then just move your money to a local bank. It is really very easy, and it is the best way to send Wall St a message! You can also contact my favorite, Circle Bank at . . . and there are links and mentions on our Facebook Page at

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our Green Legacy . . . The Case for Open Space!

Be Proud Sonoma County! You, the resident voters of this county, have just helped add an Emerald Gem in the string of crown jewels that make up the Green Corona of Sonoma!

Sonoma Land Trust has acquired the Jenner Headlands. These 5,630 acres of spectacular coastal property embraces the Pacific Ocean just north of the Russian River. Included are 1,500 acres of coastal prairie, 3,100 acres of forest containing redwood and Douglas fir, and three spawning streams for steelhead trout.

and the Bugster thinks Sonoma County is cool!