As Mr Morita once said when asked about the American propensity to get bogged down in Politics, In Japan most politicians are engineers, so when something is broken we try to fix it! In America, most politicians are lawyers, so when something doesn't work, they sue!
Although when the Japanese went through the same thing economically, some fourteen years ago, they tried to intervene the same way we are doing and their economy has remained stagnant since. Can we not garner lessons from the past?
As i wandered about the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit at the Tech Museum and wondered at his exceptional and non-stop propensity to invent and improve and to facilitate things mechanically, i wondered what he might think now, of how far we have taken his acumen and how close to the edge of breaking we have brought humanity and our penchant to devour the planet! I wish we could just vote and decide on the issues and need not bother to vote for another human to decide what is best for us by listening to those who can butter their bread best! . . . ahhh, but vote we must!
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