Re-incarnation, re-purposing, re-using, re-treads . . . people deny reincarnation because they cannot recollect their past lives . . . absence of memory is not sufficient proof of non existence . . . nor should absence of memory deter us from re-using and re-purposing and recycling all we have stashed in our garages, storage units and closets . . . the rampant consumerism of America will be curtailed by her economic woes, although through the holidays i noticed Walmart is still as busy as ever as everyone shops for the cheap stuff made in China which is exactly the opposite of how we should be righting our economic ship in turbulent seas . . . now is the time to spend quality money at your local mom and pop store and drag those things out of storage and fix'em and use them again . . . same as we will all do with our cars!
Happy Holidays and be Happy!